52 Red Dresses

Red Dress No More Stolen Sisters

I am Willow Rivers of bear clan, descendant of the Magouas from La Petit Mission near Yamachiche Quebec. A people who have been unhomed and dispersed. A people from whom I am disconnected and lost.

I am on a reconnecting journey to find where I belong, to quell the pain I have been holding since childhood of not knowing who my people are. While I have learned a great many things on this journey thus far one is abundantly clear beyond everything else. I must use my voice and platform as small as it may be to amplify the voices of my sisters, aunties and grandmothers of the horrific genocide that affects all Indigenous women, girls and two spirits.

I want to use my voice to spread awareness and to educate about the No More Stolen Sisters movement that is trying to push the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Girls and two spirits MMIWG2S. This is a genocide that is happening NOW that isn’t being spoken about nearly enough, let alone the lack of serious actions taken to address this problem.

Process video of Willow creating the Red Dress illustration of “No More Stolen Sisters”

May 5th is red dress day, which is “A day that honours and brings awareness to the thousands of Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people who have been subject to disproportionate violence in Canada.” It is also a day to bring awareness of the labour resting on the shoulders of indigenous women, girls and two spirits to try and educate the world of the alarming rate in which our sisters are being taken away from our communities. Voices that are very often ignored or silenced.

From May 5th, 2023 to May 5th, 2024 I want to add my voice to help educate about these important movements and topics but also wish to honor and share the names and stories of some of these women who have gone missing or been murdered. 52 women, one for each week of the year, to show the world they are more than just numbers or statistics. They are human beings. Mothers. Daughters. Aunties. Sisters. Cousins. Friends. Lovers. Colleagues. Neighbors. All, missed dearly.

Each week I will pull a print from a linocut block on fabric and research a MMIWG2S woman. I will say her name and tell her story, so that I can pray for her with medicines.

On May 5th, Red Dress Day 2024, I want to hang these 52 Red Dresses from the branches of trees. I want to do this act of art and honoring in order to raise awareness and hold space with these 52 women with whom I will travel this next year with.

They will be remembered.

How you can help

Like, share and follow the 52 Red Dresses Project

Inform yourself on these issues.

Donate to Safe Passage

Follow, listen and share other indigenous creators.

Lend your voice to the movement.

Implore your MPs and politicians to take ACTION NOW!

If you know of a Woman’s Story that needs to be shared in this project please send an email to info@ninahaighcreative.com with 52 Red Dresses in the subject line.

With Love,



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